Our Rental Collections service includes:

  • Ensuring all tenant information is correctly captured on database
  • Ensuring rental statements accurately reflect balances owing and are timeously delivered
  • Following up on rental collections via telephone calls, personal contact and thereafter written notices where necessary
  • Maintaining sound relationships with tenants
  • Ensuring that all agreements of lease are binding and enforceable and that the information contained within lease documentation is correctly captured onto the computer system.
  • Collating a comprehensive credit profile of prospective tenants.
  • Developing a sound professional relationship with new tenants.
  • Ensuring that tenants are advised timeously of the amounts due in terms of their leases.
  • Ensuring that tenant statements of account reflect the correct balance owing.
  • Ensuring that rental is collected timeously and instituting appropriate action in order to expedite arrear collections.
  • Ensuring that stakeholders are kept abreast of the status vis-a-vis rental collections.
  • Adherence to the divisional systems manual.